
Showing posts from March, 2021

Raising The Ground

Raising The Ground When you're at first raising up the ground you'll spam and try and lift the level up and that will use a lot of resources very quickly well the way it works is similar to how smoothing works in that where you're pointing at the cursor is where the height of the the ground will be raised to so you can save a lot of resources by aiming at the highest point of a ridge and build outwards raising the ground as you go rather than constantly spamming the raise button it'll save you a lot of time harvesting resources trust. Building Underground We have done that it wasn't fun you can actually cheat building underground in this game find a location where there are multiple rocks and use a pick to dig under don't worry you'll be sheltered from the rain and it's certainly worth the challenge you can even check out my rather cozy little hobbit home build and we're only going to be working on that further later on with hearth and home if you wa

Valheim Top 10 Best Weapons Best Axe, Bow, Sword, Knife, Spear & Shield Which Is Best!

This valheim Native Gamer guide is all about 10 of the best weapons i think there may be a couple that you might may change if so then just pop it in the comments below and i'll check it out but i believe playing with all these weapons this is my top 10. so i've got them all laid out along the wall for you now what we're going to do is we're going to grab each and every one and i'm going to talk you through the weapon i'm going to talk to you about the pieces that you need to craft each weapon. This is fangspear it's just a spear but it's quite a good spear now the reason for that if we go over to the stats of the weapon so it's got piercing damage of 70. backstab so a sneak attack of times three and knockback of 20. now the defensive isn't that great because it is a spear at the end of the day it has got a blocking power of 10 and it's got a parry bonus of times two now to craft the fang spear you'll need 10 ancient bark which you can g